Crucifixion by Andrea Mantegna

 Crucifixion by Andrea Mantegna, a painting that depicts the death of Jesus Christ on a cross.
Crucifixion by Andrea Mantegna

Root of Crucifixion

As first, crucifixion was a roman punishment method existing before Jesus Christ. The root of word crucifixion means crucifying someone on a wooden cross which is exactly seen in every crucifixion painting. Every part of death on the cross had its specific frightfulness, some less precisely portrayed by artists than others. Mantegna is one of them who describes the violent situation of Jesus in. When it is considered that Jesus resisted for six hours on cross, the method of crucifixion becomes a punishment in aim of give more pain slowly to the guilty one instead of murdering him.

Why did Jesus Die?

Gospel of Nicodemus edited by H.C.KIM, including Dismas and Gestas according to Christianity.
Gospel of Nicodemus 
edited by H.C.KIM
The reason of death for a crucified man is possibly heath attack more than blood loss because of the long term steady condition of body and difficulty of moving body. At all, the cross is the main element in every crucifixion painting. Second one is two men crucified with Jesus the Christ at same time. Although some sources claim the names were Titus and Dimachus, they were told be Dismas and Gestas according to the Gospel of Nicodemus that historians generally agree about it was written in the 4th century. Since this gospel was composed more than two centuries after the crucifixion of Jesus and is found in a book containing other questionable informations with, few contend that much assurance can be connected the these two particular names. Dismas was crucified at the right sight of Jesus and Gestas was at the left

Figures Depicted in Mantegna's Crucifixion

An original page from Gospel of Nicodemus that tells the cricifixion moment in biblical way.
An original page 
from Gospel of Nicodemus
While Dismas had a pitty on Jesus and apologised to him, Gestas tried to humiliate him because of a profit’s desperate situation. The third element is soldiers who were throwing dice for Jesus’s cloths. When in the view of clothing is expensive due to the quality of living at moment, it is a brilliant figure of painting. Another element in painting is mother of Jesus, Marie and his youngest fellow John. It is mentioned in bible with those words: “When Jesus saw his mother and thedisciple whom He loved standing nearby, He said to His mother, ‘Woman, here isyour son.’ Then He said to the disciple, ‘Here is your mother.’ So from thathour, this disciple took her into his home. After this, knowing that everythinghad now been accomplished, and to fulfill the Scripture, Jesus said, ‘I amthirsty.” The last element in paint is the spear of a roman soldier that could be the cause of death, of injured and tired Jesus for hours. Since it is possibly used to understand that if he was still alive or not.
Crucifixion by Andrea Mantegna Crucifixion by Andrea Mantegna Reviewed by Articonog on December 19, 2019 Rating: 5

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